Bruise Pristine

The means are right for taking, fade to grey

Trying to be ruthless, in the face of beauty

In this matrix, it's plain to see

It's either you or me.

Bruise, pristine, serene,

we were born to lose.

Cast a line with a velvet glove

Reading like an open book, in the hands of love

In this matrix, it's plain to see

It's either you or me.

Bruise, pristine, serene,

we were born to lose.

Means are right for taking, fade to grey

Trying to be ruthless, in the face of beauty

In this matrix, it's plain to see

It's either you or me.

Bruise, pristine, serene,

we were born to lose.

Песня издана синглом, на альбоме "Placebo" и альбоме-компиляции "Once More With Feeling".

The song was released on the "Placebo" album, on the compilation album "Once More With Feeling" and as a single.

Это правда, что вы записывали "Bruise Pristine" абсолютно голыми?

Брайан: Конечно.

La Mascara "Вкусы группы в 15-ти вопросах", 2000